Our mission is to bring the power of human emotion to the Metaverse
We do this by building tools and experiences that allow people to truly connect beyond language, distance, and time.

A journey of self discovery
An intimate social interaction
A shared emotional stadium experience

Developing the emotional language of the future
A better Metaverse begins with a better language. One that works beyond text and speech. A patented form of communication based on time, emotion, and mindfulness.
Feelette Aura allows you to share how you feel at any given time in an easy to use interface designed to be open and accessible to all.
Rethinking the way we interact together online
From group chats to video meetings, we're revolutionizing the way friends, families, and work groups are communicating with each other.
Feelette Line connects groups together in a more intimate and direct way. Drop-in conversations, sharing moments as they happen, and meditating on conversation are some of the innovations that we are building out for our communities.


Bringing stadium-like excitement to the Metaverse
Before Feelette, fully immersive digital events required hardware, software, and infrastructure that priced out the majority of the world.
Feelette Fanfare provides a meta-contextual layer of excitement to the live content you enjoy; from sports events, to live and recorded broadcasts from your favourite creators.

Meet The Team
"Imagine a World where you could share your true, unfiltered emotions through a digital medium.
At Feelette, we are developing universal languages to remove the barrier of entry for the Metaverse, and provide a shared, intimate experience.
Our technologies are as diverse and unique as we are, and we are working across borders and timezones to create a timeless experience for everyone to enjoy.
The future of the web belongs to everyone."
-Lari, CEO of Feelette
Our Vision
We develop and deliver game changing languages and tools to improve the way we all interact online and in person.
Our vision is that of a world where everyone has access to a truly connected digital realm. Beyond the limitations of today.

Our Mission
Feelette creates tools that reimagine the ways we interact with each other in the metaverse.
We provide a universal emotional language to allow everyone to share their true selves online.
We provide fans with a new way to cheer, jeer, and celebrate the content they love.
We provide creators with insights on how their audience truly feels without sacrificing privacy.
Our Passion
We simply love what we do and this allows us to perform to the best of our abilities.
We do not just work as a company, we work together as fans from all corners of the Earth.

Feelette Oy was founded 2015 in Cape Town, South Africa, Taipei, Taiwan (ROC) and Heinola, Finland.
Our main objective is to develop better communication tools and services to connect the world.
Our team is made up of a multinational professionals that have incredible expertise. These range from business acumen, software development, public relations, industry-relevant academic knowledge and more.
We believe that we can move forward together by pooling our experiences in art, business, and tech. We work with teams and companies that want to create unforgettable social experiences beyond language and time.